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KELAS  : 3KB07
NPM      : 21114074
Mata Kuliah : Manajemen Proyek dan Resiko

Nama usaha : PANDAWA 5 COMPUTER'S (Warnet dan Pusat penjualan spare-parts / accesories komputer terlengkap di Kabupaten Bogor ) 

Menjadi penyedia layanan internet terbaik dan ternyaman bagi konsumen, Pusat penjualan spare-parts / accesories komputer terlengkap, memberikan kualitas produk komputer dan accesories yang terbaik bagi Customer ,serta Menjadikan warnet dengan fasilitas ternyaman dan termodern Se Kabupaten Bogor dan, Kota Bogor. 
1.Menjadi Warnet dengan Fasilitas Ternyaman dan Termodern Se Kabupaten Bogor
2. Menghadirkan Produk Produk Komputer dan Accesories yang terbaik dengan harga Terjangkau Murah dan Berkualitas Bagus
3.Dapat Membuka Cabang diberbagai kota lain,Di seluruh Indonesia
4.Moto Pelayanan Kami : Cepat ,Tepat dan Ramah 

Softskill Usaha dan Visi Misi

Senin, 21 November 2016
Posted by Unknown
Dampak pengerjaan MRT, 2 JPO dibongkar, lalu lintas dialihkan 

Reporter : Muchlisa Choiriah | Senin, 16 Maret 2015 20:04 

 Dampak pengerjaan MRT, 2 JPO dibongkar, lalu lintas dialihkan penyempitan jalan thamrin akibat mrt. ©2014 buhori - 

Pengerjaan MRT terus dilakukan. Saat ini, pengerjaan sudah masuk tahap pekerjaan pembuatan kolom (kingpost) stasiun dan pekerjaan dinding stasiun (d-wall) koridor ventilasi di sisi timur, serta pekerjaan pembuatan d-wall untuk koridor mechanical dan electrical pada sisi barat. Cara Irit Pererat Pertemanan dengan Jalan-Jalan Pengerjaan ini membuat Jembatan Penyeberangan Orang (JPO) Setiabudi dibongkar. Dampak dari pembongkaran ini, arus lalu lintas di sebagian Jl Sudirman sampai sebagian Jl MH akan dialihkan dengan panduan petugas di lapangan. Pengalihan mulai dilakukan di depan lahan Sinar Mas, Jakarta Selatan. Dengan adanya pergeseran lajur di sekitar area konstruksi Bundaran HI ini, para pengguna kendaraan umum maupun pribadi untuk sementara diharuskan melalui jalur alternatif yang telah disediakan. "PT MRT Jakarta mengharapkan pengertian dan kerjasama dari masyarakat untuk dapat terus mendukung pelaksanaan proyek ini dan mengimbau kepada pengguna kendaraan maupun pejalan kaki untuk berhatihati pada saat melintas dan mengikuti petunjuk lalu lintas yang ada," demikian imbauan PT MRT dalam rilis yang diterima, Senin (16/3). Selain JPO Setiabudi, akan menyusul pembongkaran JPO yang membentang di depan gedung Da Vinci hingga depan gedung Chase Plaza. Pembongkaran dilakukan 29-30 Maret mendatang. Bagi Anda yang tak mau terjebak macet, diharapkan jangan melintasi jalur ini.

Komentar : 
Pada proses pembuatan proyek MRT ini tampaknya pemerintah harus cermat dan teliti dalam pembuatan proyeknya jangan sampai, proyek yang harusnya dibangun untuk kenyamanan dan keselamatan warga, malah menjadi proyek yang membahayakan bagi warga ibu kota itu sendiri akibat kesalahan konstruksi dalam pembuatannya., sekian.

 Sumber :

Tugas Latex Mikrokomputer

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016
Posted by Unknown
Tag :



Disusun Oleh :
AndikaPratama (21114074)


1. what is business letter ? and what is the component of business letter ?
            A business letter is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter depends on the relationship between the parties concerned. Business letters can have many types of contents, for example to request direct information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to point out a mistake by the letter's recipient, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong, or to convey goodwill. A business letter is sometimes useful because it produces a permanent written record, and may be taken more seriously by the recipient than other forms of communication
business letter consist of letter head on which are printed a dateline, an inside address, a salutation, a subject line, the body of the letter, a complimentary closing, a signature block, an ID line and notation.

         Ø  dateline
usually keyed 2.5 inches/15 lines below the top edge or .5 inch/3 lines below the letterhead. should be written out December 15, 2011
       Ø  inside address
states the title and address of the person for whom the letter is intended. for a physician- Dr.____ or ____M.D. ___M.D. is preferred

        Ø  salutation
Keyed flush with the left margin on the second line below the inside address. should refer to the receiver on the letter,using a title and surname (last name) Dear Mrs Brown. If the receiver and sender know each other well, first name may be used. in formal correspondence, is followed by a colon, a comma should be used in informal.

       Ø  subject
used to bring the subject of the letter to the readers attention. should be typed 2 lines below the salutation and two lines above the body of the letter

         Ø  body
begins two lines below the salutation or subject line. is single spaced with a blank line between paragraphs. leave a blank line above and below a list, and indent each item on the list .5 inch from the left margin.

        Ø  complimentary closing
placed two lines below the last line of the body and consisting of one of the following- Sincerely, Yours truly, Best regards. followed by a coma. one the first letter of the first word is capitalized.

         Ø  signature block
contains the senders name on the first line and title on the second. should be typed four lines below to allow the signature.
*signed by the MA- routine business nature/supply orders *signed by the doctor- medical reports, letters by the insurance company, consultation or referral letters and letters clinical in nature.

        Ø  ID line
typist initials are sometimes included two lines below the signature block. the traditional full form includes the initials of the person responsible for creating the letter followed by a colon or a slash and then the typist;s initials

        Ø  notation
includes information such as the number and type of enclosure and the names of other people who receive copies of the letter. typed two lines below the signature block or ID line.

        Ø  full block
typed with all lines in standard letter format, flush left. quick and easy to write. one of the most common formats used in medical practice

        Ø  modified block
all lines begin at the left margin, with the exception of the date line, complimentary closing and keyed signature, which usually begins at the center position

        Ø  simplified
all lines are keyed flush with the left margin. most modern letter style. in most situations in a medical office, style may be to informal.

        Ø  envelopes
three common used sizes-6 3/4, 7 and 10 (also called business size). most common in the medical office are 6 3/4 and 10. 6 3/4 with a window is often used for mailing statements

        Ø  return address
for the sender should be placed in the upper left corner

2. explain the differences between of full block style and semi block style letter

Semi-Block Format
The semi-block format business letter is a little less formal than the block format letter and slightly more formal than the modified block format letter. It works well in almost all situations and is a good choice if you find yourself on the fence about which format to use.
Semi-block business letters differ from most others in that the first line of each paragraph is indented. Look at the modified semi-block business letter template if you’d like to try another format with indentations. It is the least formal of all the formats shown on this page

Full Block Format
Full block style business letters have a formal appearance, however they can be used in informal business situations as well as formal ones. If you are looking for a single format that will work well in every situation, this is a good one to use. Notice that the following business letter format is laid out so that it is easy to read. It is also a template that is very easy to type, as there are no indents to worry about.
3. give example full block style business letter and semi block

Full Block Format Business Letter Template

Your Name
Today’s Date
Recipient’s Name

Dear (Recipient’s Name),
This block format business letter template illustrates how quick and easy communications can be to type. Notice that it looks very much like the semi-block letter format, except the paragraphs are not indented. This is a format you can use for all business occasions.
Notice that all elements in this letter are left justified. This formatting provides a crisp, modern look that many people prefer. If you have any enclosures to include in this letter, make a note at the bottom left, a few spaces below the signature block. Just write “enclosures:” and follow up with the names of any items inside the envelope. A brochure, an application, or a copy of an invoice are some of the things you might think about including.
Your First name, Last name, and Title

Semi-Block Format Business Letter Template

Your Name
Today’s Date
Recipient’s Name
Dear (Recipient’s Name),
This semi-block business letter format looks very much like the block letter format, except the
paragraphs have been indented. Semi-block format letters are just a little more formal than modified semi-block business letters.
Notice that the sender’s address, the closing, the signature, and the signature block are left justified.
The only elements of this business letter format that are not left justified are the first lines of each of the paragraphs.
If you have any enclosures to include in this letter, make a note at the bottom left, a few spaces below
the signature block. Just write “enclosures:” and follow up with the names of any items inside the envelope. A brochure, an application, or a copy of an invoice are some of the things you might think about including.
Your First name, Last name, and Title
Embed code:

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis [Softskill]

Jumat, 06 Mei 2016
Posted by Unknown
Tenses - is the use Verb (Verb) in English in accordance with the time indicator. The use of the verb (Verb) in English Verb form is divided into four, namely:

1. Verb 1 (infinitive / Stem)
2. Verb Ing (Ing form)
3. Verb 2 (Past Form / preterite)
4. Verb 3 (Past participle)

Basic tenses - To make it easier to understand the use of tenses, we call it the four basic forms of the tenses into:

1. KK 1 (Verb form 1st)
2. KK Ing (Verbs ing)
3. KK 2 (Verb form 2nd)
4. KK 3 (Verb form 3rd)

16 tenses and use in English Sentences
To be able to use KK (verb) with all four forms (not only know one form tenses only), you can try to use each form of the tenses in the sentence that will be presented.

Here are some of the uses KK (verb) and example sentences tenses.

1. Form Usage Verb tenses in 1 (Verb 1)

Verbs form 1 (infinitive without to / Stem) is used to express the work carried out on a regular basis is a habit, or continue to be done / done, or it could be an activity carried out periodically (eg, every day / week / month) , Tenses its shape is called the Simple Present Tense.
Free use of the verb form of to-1

For the subject;
• I,
• You,
• We, and
• They.

Its use is as follows:

• KK 1 / Stem in his Positive Sentence,
• Do Not for Sentence Negative her, and
• Do ... in his interrogative sentence.

As for the subject:

• He,
• She and
• It.

Its use is as follows:

• Verb s / ice in his Positive Sentence,
• Does Not to Negative her sentence, and
• Does ... for his interrogative sentence.

In explanation of Question / Answer has been described as well;

• I / you / we / they work everyday (Positive)
• I / you / we / they do not work everyday (Negative)
• I / you / we / they work everyday? (Interrogative)

• He / She / It works everyday (Positive)
• He / She / It does not work everyday (Negative)
• He / She / It work everyday? (Interrogative)

Note that do, does only used as a question word and deny. Then for a short answer to the question Yes / No Answer Question and answer Positive long sentences are not used anymore.

Example of use Do:

- They live in Bandung (Positive)

- They do not live in Bandung (Negative)

- Do they live in Bandung (interrogative)

• Yes, they do (short answer, Positive)
• No, they note (short answer, Negative)
• Yes, they live in Bandung (long answer, Positive)

Does the use of examples:

- He lives in Bandung (Positive)

- He does not live in Bandung (Negative)

- Does he live in Bandung? (Interrogative)

• Yes, He does (short answer, Positive)
• No, He does not (short answer, Negative)
• Yes, He lives in Bandung (long answer, Positive)
• No, He does not live in Bandung (Answer length, Negative)

In the example above Does usage, Verb s / ice back into preceded Stem when it does / does not.

2. Form Usage Verb tenses in Ing

To declare that the work is in progress, used tobe Verbs ing (KK Ing). For example:

I am reading a book now (Positive)
Meaning: I'm reading a book right now

I am not reading a book now (Negative)
Meaning: I'm not reading a book right now

Am I reading book now? (Interrogative)
Meaning: I'm memaca book?

The answer could be:

• Yes, You are (Short Answer)
• No, You are not (Short Answer)
• Yes, You are reading a book (Long answer)
• No, You are not reading books (Long answer)

John is watching television.
Meaning: John were watching television

John is not watching television
Meaning: John is not watching TV

John is watching television?
Meaning: Do John were watching television?

The answer could be:

• Yes, He is / No, he does not
• Yes, He is watching television
• No, He does not watching television

3. Form tenses in the Use KK 2 (preterite)

Verbs form 2 (KK 2) is used to tell the work done in the past, characterized by the description of time:

• Yesterday: Yesterday
• Last week: Last week
• Last night: hours ago
• A month ago: One month ago
• Just now: before / just now / recently

Rules use 2nd verb in sentences tenses:

• Positive: Subject KK 2
• Negative: Subject did not KK 1
• interrogative: Did Subject KK 1

Example of sentences :

I played badminton yesterday. (Positive)
Meaning: I play badminton yesterday

I did not play badminton yesterday. (Negative)
Meaning: I do not play badminton yesterday

Did you play badminton yesterday? (Interrogative)
Meaning: Do you play badminton yesterday?

The answer could be:

• Yes, I did / No, I did not
• Yes, I played badminton / No, I did not play badminton

In interrogative sentences and Negative examples above, the use of the word did and did notdigunakan, while the verb form it into KK 1 (verb form of to-1) again (see example).

• Did you play badminton?
• I did not play badminton.

4. Form the use of KK 3 tenses (Past participle)

KK 3 (verb form of to-3) is used to express has / have done the job, in the Indonesian language, to declare has / have done something, or to declare not do anything.

What is important here is already / have done the work, the results of which are still apparent at the time said, and not when it does.

For example:

I have opened the window.
(About when did open a window that is not important, but it is clear that the window was now open)

Rules of use of the verb form of all three tenses in sentences:

1. Positive: Subject Have / Has not KK 3
2. Negative: Subject Have / Has not KK 3
3. interrogative: Have / Has Subject KK 3
4. Name tenses: Present Perfect Tense

Example sentences tenses:

Positive sentence

I have eaten breakfast.
Meaning: I have breakfast

Negative sentences

I have not (have not) eaten lunch (yet).
Meaning: I have not eaten lunch

interrogative sentences

Have you eaten lunch (yet)?
Meaning: Have you had lunch?

The answer could be:

• Yes, I have / No I have not / Not yet.
• Yes, I have eaten lunch (already)
• No, I have not eaten lunch yet

For a subject I / You / We / They have / have not

To subject He / She / It has / has not

Yet the word used to express negative at the end of the sentence, should also be removed / not used at all.

The word already used to express Positive sentence, this word also may also be removed / not used at all.

Not yet equals No, I have not / No, which means it has not yet.

To state once used words as ever, or have never (never).

Example :

Megan: Have you ever been to Komodo's Island?
Helena: Yes, I have / I have ever been to Komodo's Island.

Another meaning of the word Have / Has

In the Present Perfect Tense, have / has that precede KK 3 or were before the verb form of to-3 as a verb (KK) aid has no special meaning.

Meanwhile, in another sentence that is not Present Perfect Tense, have / has to function as KK (verb) (Full Verb) and has its own meaning.

1. Another meaning Have / Has that have meaning has

Example of use have / has in the form of positive sentence:

I have (got) 3 chlidren.
Meaning: I have 3 children.

Example of use have / has in the form of negative sentences:

I have not (got) / do not have children.
Meaning: I have no children.

Example of use have / has in the form of interrogative sentences:

Do you have / have you got children?
Meaning: Do you have children?

The answer to the interrogative sentence can be:

Yes, I do / Yes, I have
No, I do not / No, I have not

2. Another meaning Have the means to do

Example of use have / has in the form of positive sentence:

I have breakfast at 6:30 every morning.
Meaning: I eat breakfast at 6:30.

Example of use have / has in the form of negative sentences:

I do not have breakfast at 6:30.
Meaning: I did not eat breakfast at 6:30

Example of use have / has in sentences Interrrogative:

Did you always have breakfast early?
Meaning: Do you always eat early in the morning?

Example of use have / has in the form of interrogative sentences (questions past):

Did you have breakfast this morning?
Meaning: Did you have breakfast this morning?

3. Another meaning Have / Has significant experience / gain

Example of use have / has in the form of positive sentence:

We had a good time in Komodo's Island.
Meaning: We got / experience pleasure on Komodo

Example of use have / has in the form of interrogative sentences (questions past):

Did you have a good time in Komodo's Island?
Meaning: Do you feel happy on the island of Komodo?

4. Use of Modal Verbs Forms to-1

Which include Capital (M) is:

• Can,
• May,
• Must,
• Shall,
• Will,
• Should,
• Could, etc.

Its structure is as follows:

Positive sentence:

Capital Subject Verb form 1st

He can drive a car.
Meaning: She can drive the car.

Sentence Negative:

Capital Subject Verb not form 1st

He can not drive a car.
Meaning: She can not drive a car.

Interrogative sentence:

Capital Subject Verb form 1st

Can he drive a car?
That is: Can he drive a car?

The answer could be:
Yes, he can / No he can not.

5. Use Shall / Will

Shall / Will Verbs form all 1 said it would perform an activity or a job in the future. The Simpe used in the Future Tense.

Examples of positive sentence that uses Shall / Will:

We shall go to Semarang.
Meaning: We'll pegi to Semarang.

He will buy a new car.
Meaning: He would buy a new car.

Examples of negative sentences that use Shall / Will:

We shall not go to Semarang.
Meaning: We will not go to Semarang.

He will not buy a new car.
Meaning: He will not buy a new car.

Examples of interrogative sentences that use Shall / Will:

Shall we go to Semarang?
That is: Will we go to Semarang?

Will he buy a new car?
That is: Will he buy a new car?

The answer could be:
Yes, He wiil / No, He will not.

6. Tobe going to Verbs form 1st

Simple Shape Future else is going to tobe Subject Verb form 1st. Used to declare will do something that will come, the planned / prepared.

Examples of the positive sentence:

I am going to visit my uncle.
Meaning: I will visit my uncle.

Examples of the negative sentence:

I am not going to visit my uncle.
Meaning: I am not going to visit my uncle.

The example in the interrogative sentence:

Are you going to visit your uncle?
Meaning: Are you going to visit your uncle?

The answer could be:
Yes, I am / No I am not.

For basic communication or a simple conversation, use tenses should possess some of the following:

1. Simple Present Tense,
2. Simpe Past Tense,
3. Present Continuous Tense, and
4. Simple Future Tense.

As for other forms of tenses, you can learn later, when all four different tenses / form is already controlled tenses correctly.

Here are some simple summary regarding the use of some form of tenses contained in the discussion of the basic forms of tenses and sentence use of tenses in English this time:

1. Formula / Formula Simple Present Tense
Subject Verb (form to-1) s / es
Simple Present Tense is used in the sentence which states an activity routine (habit).
2. Formula / Formula Present Continuous Tense
Subject tobe Verbs Ing
Preset Continuous Tense is used in sentences that express an activity that is being carried out.

3. Formula / Formula Present Perfect Tense
Subject have / has Verb form 3rd
Present Perfect is used in sentences that express an activity that has been carried out.

4. Formula / Formula Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject have / has been Verb Ing
Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used in a sentence stating suatau activities started in the past and still continues to sekarang.

5. Formula / Formula Simple Past Tense
2 Subject Verb Object
Simple Past Tense is used in a sentence stating the activities that have been done in the past.

6. Formula / Formula Past Continuous Tense
Subject to be Verb Ing
Past Continuous Tense is used in a sentence stating the ongoing activities at certain times in the past / past.

7. Formula / Formula Past Perfect Tense
Subject Verb had 3
Past Perfect is used in a sentence stating activities going or completed before other activities happened in the past.

8. Formula / Formula Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject Verb had Ing
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used in a sentence stating the duration of an activity is well underway in the past before anything else happens.

9. Formula / Formula Simple Future Tense
Subject shall / will Verbs shape to-1, or it could be
Subject tobe going to Verbs form 1st
Used in a sentence stating an activity that will be carried out.

10. Formula / Formula Future Continuous Tense
Subject Will / Shall be Verb Ing
Future Continuous Tense is used in a sentence stating an ongoing activity in the future.

11. Formula / Formula Future Perfect Tense
Subject will / shall have Verb 3
Future Perfect is used in sentences that express an activity that occurs and finished by a certain time in the future.

12. Formula / Formula Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject will / shall have been Verb Ing
Future Perfect is used in a sentence stating that the activities started in the past and is still taking place at a certain time in the future (emphasis on duration).

13. Formula / Formula Future Past Tense
Subject would / should Verb 1
Past Perfect is used in a sentence stating the activities to be undertaken in the past.

14. Formula / Formula Future Past Continuous Tense
Subject would / should be Verb Ing
Past Continuous Tense Future which will be used in a sentence stating that the activities will take place during a certain period in the past.

15. Formula / Formula Past Future Perfect Tense
Subject would / should have Verb 3
Past Future Perfect is used in a sentence stating that the activities would have been done in the past.

16. Formula / Formula Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject would / should have been Verb Ing
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used in a sentence stating that the activities started in the past and is still in progress when the specified time in the future.

Perbedaan Dari Toefl dan Toeic
Dan Contoh Soal Toefl dan Toeic

NAMA : Andika Pratama
NPM : 21114074


Understanding TOEFL

TOEFL is a test of the ability to speak English with an American accent. These exams are held by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States for all test takers around the world. In general, the TOEFL test requested by a university in the United States and Canada.
TES TOEFL consists of two types, namely ITP TOEFL and TOEFL iBT. TOEFL ITP (Instituional Testing Program) is usually used for the Asian region, with a score that is both institutional, means only used for specific institutions and the local area and does not apply to all countries in the world. In general, use the TOEFL test is the TOEFL iBT test (Internet Based Test) where you will be required to record all your answers on a computer that is connected directly with the Internet. Your answers will be sent directly to the ETS.
ITP TOEFL exam is divided into three sessions, namely Listening, Structure and Written Expression and Reading Comprehension. The total value of the maximum on the TOEFL ITP is 500 or 550 and even 600. For TOEFL iBT includes Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. The latest iBTyang TOEFL test scores have a maximum value of 1 ***, with average values as required is 80 or 90. The TOEFL test lasted for nearly four hours.
understanding TOEIC
TOEIC and TOEFL are designed for different purposes. TOEFL is for students or students who wish to continue their studies in the United States and Canada. While TOEIC is intended for those whose native language is not English dialog wear and want to show the ability to communicate in English in the world of work and take part in globalization.

TOEIC and TOEFL have a different assessment standards. If the TOEFL score can not be used as the main criterion for each place has a different assessment, however the TOEIC test is used the alignment of international standards. If abroad, TOIEC already very popular. The proof, of the existing data, it turns out this test has been used about 10,000 companies in the world. Perhaps, it could be because in addition to international standard, also TOEIC which has existed since 1979. Thus, the level was higher than the TOEFL test.

TOEIC score starting from the number 400 to 990. There are six levels, namely level 0/0 + Novice (score 10-250), level 1 Elementary (score 255-400), Intermediate level 1+ (score 405-600), level 2 Basic Working Proficiency (score 605-780), Advance Working profiency 2+ level (a score of 785-900) and level 3/3 + General Professional Proficiency (score 905-990).
TOEIC has two kinds of tests that test reading and listening with a score range 10-990. While the TOEFL test has three kinds of options among which are PBT (Paper Based Test), CBT (Computer Based Test), and IBT (Internet Based Test). TOEFL score is based test PBT (310-677), CBT (30-300), and IBT (8-1 ***).

Example question Toefl
Below is an example of a matter that requires you to fill in points that are still empty.
 ... Received law degrees as today.

Never have so many women
Never have so many women
The women are not ever
Women who have never


... Received law degrees as today.
You should know that in a complete sentence must have a subject and a verb. For questions above, you can see that it is available in only a verb phrase (received) and have not had a subject. So should you proceed with the subject. Of the four options given there is only one correct answer.
Never have so many women = answer this one because although the word never moved into so many women never have, to be a subject there should not be a word in front of the subject. While the word is coordinate conjunction so that makes many women become not a subject.
Never have so many women = The answer is the same as the first answer so it can not be used.
The women are not ever = answer is correct because the word is simply an article that corroborates the presence of women.
Women who have never = answer this one because it says who made a subject who does not have a verb because it received only explain who these women. So the verb does not exist.
So, the correct answer to fill in the dots in the above matter is The women are not ever. If written in full sentences will be like this The women are not ever received law degrees as today.

Sample Problem TOEIC
1. Register early if you would like to Attend next Tuesday's ------- on project management.
(A) seminar
(B) reason
(C) policy
(D) scene

2. Paul Brown resigned last Monday from his position as ------- executive of the company.
(A) fine
(B) chief
(C) front
(D) large

3. The financial audit of Soft Peach Software ------- completed on Wednesday by a certified accounting firm.
(A) to be
(B) having been
(C) was
(D) were

4. The organizers of the trip Reminded of participants to ------- at the steps of the city hall at 2:00 p.m.
(A) see
(B) combine
(C) meet
(D) go

5. ------- is no better season than winter to begin training at Silver's Fitness Center.
(A) When
(B) It
(C) There
(D) As it

6. The recent worldwide Increase in oil prices has led to a ------- demand for electric vehicles.
(A) greater
(B) greatest
(C) greatly
(D) greatness

7. Maria Vásquez has a wide range of experience, ------- worked in technical, production, and marketing positions.
(A) having
(B) has
(C) having had
(D) had

8. Tickets will not be redeemable for cash or credit at any time, ------- they will be replaced if lost or stolen.
(A) but
(B) though
(C) only
(D) nor

Spoiler for ANSWER

1 = A
2 = B
3 = C
4 = C
5 = C
6 = A
7 = A
8 = D

Nama: Andika Pratama
NPM: 21114074
Kelas: 2KB07
Jurusan: S1 Sistem Komputer


Introducing myself use Simple Present

   Good morning friends! My name is Andika Pratama. Here I’m going to introduce myself. I was born on 2 April 1996 and grown up in Gunung Putri,Bogor. I’m studying as Two year student in Computer Science Faculty Program majoring in Computer System  in this prestigious college, University of Gunadarma. 
   In my family, I have one sister while I am the oldest. My father is a office worker in PT.Niro Granite in my city while my mother is a housewife. I am a friendly and enthusiastic person, honest and flexible to work in any time. I can work for long time without any taking rest, only if I’m interested in what I am doing. My life philosophy is very simple. If they kind to me, I will be kind to them.
   I’m interested in so many things such as traveling, Listening to music, reading book especially comic, and watching movies.
   I’m personally interested in becoming an Developer and Creator Aplication. However, I should be more realistic and I don’t want to push myself too hard because there are so many different career opportunities available outside there. I believe that looking for a job should be like looking for hobby.

  As for now I’m only focusing my attention on my study. I’m being confidence myself, dreams and goals that I want to achieve.  So this is ‘Me’ standing in front of all of you. Nice to meet you and hopefully we can be a best friend. Thank you


Memperkenalkan diri menggunakan Simple Present

    Selamat pagi teman-teman! Nama saya Andika Pratama. Di sini saya akan memperkenalkan diri. Saya lahir pada 2 April 1996 dan dibesarkan di Gunung Putri, Bogor. Saya sedang belajar sebagai mahasiswa tahun ke Dua di Program Fakultas Ilmu Komputer jurusan Sistem Komputer di perguruan tinggi bergengsi ini, Universitas Gunadarma.
    Di keluarga saya, saya punya satu adik sementara saya yang tertua. Ayah saya adalah seorang pekerja kantor di PT.Niro Granite di kota saya sementara ibu saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Saya orang yang ramah dan antusias, jujur dan fleksibel untuk bekerja di setiap saat. Saya dapat bekerja untuk waktu yang lama tanpa istirahat taking, hanya jika aku tertarik pada apa yang saya lakukan. Filosofi hidup saya sangat sederhana. Jika mereka baik padaku, aku akan baik kepada mereka.
   Saya tertarik begitu banyak hal-hal seperti bepergian, Mendengarkan musik, membaca buku terutama komik, dan menonton film.
   Saya pribadi tertarik untuk menjadi Developer dan Pencipta Aplikasi. Namun, saya harus lebih realistis dan saya tidak ingin mendorong diri terlalu keras karena ada begitu banyak peluang karir yang berbeda tersedia di luar sana. Saya percaya bahwa mencari pekerjaan harus seperti mencari hobi.

   Seperti untuk sekarang saya hanya fokus perhatian pada studi saya. Saya menjadi percaya diri sendiri, mimpi dan tujuan yang ingin saya capai. Jadi ini adalah 'saya' berdiri di depan kalian semua. Senang bertemu Anda dan mudah-mudahan kita bisa menjadi teman baik. Terima kasih

Introducing myself use Simple Present

Senin, 07 Maret 2016
Posted by Unknown

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