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// Posted by :Unknown // On :Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Perbedaan Dari Toefl dan Toeic
Dan Contoh Soal Toefl dan Toeic

NAMA : Andika Pratama
NPM : 21114074


Understanding TOEFL

TOEFL is a test of the ability to speak English with an American accent. These exams are held by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States for all test takers around the world. In general, the TOEFL test requested by a university in the United States and Canada.
TES TOEFL consists of two types, namely ITP TOEFL and TOEFL iBT. TOEFL ITP (Instituional Testing Program) is usually used for the Asian region, with a score that is both institutional, means only used for specific institutions and the local area and does not apply to all countries in the world. In general, use the TOEFL test is the TOEFL iBT test (Internet Based Test) where you will be required to record all your answers on a computer that is connected directly with the Internet. Your answers will be sent directly to the ETS.
ITP TOEFL exam is divided into three sessions, namely Listening, Structure and Written Expression and Reading Comprehension. The total value of the maximum on the TOEFL ITP is 500 or 550 and even 600. For TOEFL iBT includes Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. The latest iBTyang TOEFL test scores have a maximum value of 1 ***, with average values as required is 80 or 90. The TOEFL test lasted for nearly four hours.
understanding TOEIC
TOEIC and TOEFL are designed for different purposes. TOEFL is for students or students who wish to continue their studies in the United States and Canada. While TOEIC is intended for those whose native language is not English dialog wear and want to show the ability to communicate in English in the world of work and take part in globalization.

TOEIC and TOEFL have a different assessment standards. If the TOEFL score can not be used as the main criterion for each place has a different assessment, however the TOEIC test is used the alignment of international standards. If abroad, TOIEC already very popular. The proof, of the existing data, it turns out this test has been used about 10,000 companies in the world. Perhaps, it could be because in addition to international standard, also TOEIC which has existed since 1979. Thus, the level was higher than the TOEFL test.

TOEIC score starting from the number 400 to 990. There are six levels, namely level 0/0 + Novice (score 10-250), level 1 Elementary (score 255-400), Intermediate level 1+ (score 405-600), level 2 Basic Working Proficiency (score 605-780), Advance Working profiency 2+ level (a score of 785-900) and level 3/3 + General Professional Proficiency (score 905-990).
TOEIC has two kinds of tests that test reading and listening with a score range 10-990. While the TOEFL test has three kinds of options among which are PBT (Paper Based Test), CBT (Computer Based Test), and IBT (Internet Based Test). TOEFL score is based test PBT (310-677), CBT (30-300), and IBT (8-1 ***).

Example question Toefl
Below is an example of a matter that requires you to fill in points that are still empty.
 ... Received law degrees as today.

Never have so many women
Never have so many women
The women are not ever
Women who have never


... Received law degrees as today.
You should know that in a complete sentence must have a subject and a verb. For questions above, you can see that it is available in only a verb phrase (received) and have not had a subject. So should you proceed with the subject. Of the four options given there is only one correct answer.
Never have so many women = answer this one because although the word never moved into so many women never have, to be a subject there should not be a word in front of the subject. While the word is coordinate conjunction so that makes many women become not a subject.
Never have so many women = The answer is the same as the first answer so it can not be used.
The women are not ever = answer is correct because the word is simply an article that corroborates the presence of women.
Women who have never = answer this one because it says who made a subject who does not have a verb because it received only explain who these women. So the verb does not exist.
So, the correct answer to fill in the dots in the above matter is The women are not ever. If written in full sentences will be like this The women are not ever received law degrees as today.

Sample Problem TOEIC
1. Register early if you would like to Attend next Tuesday's ------- on project management.
(A) seminar
(B) reason
(C) policy
(D) scene

2. Paul Brown resigned last Monday from his position as ------- executive of the company.
(A) fine
(B) chief
(C) front
(D) large

3. The financial audit of Soft Peach Software ------- completed on Wednesday by a certified accounting firm.
(A) to be
(B) having been
(C) was
(D) were

4. The organizers of the trip Reminded of participants to ------- at the steps of the city hall at 2:00 p.m.
(A) see
(B) combine
(C) meet
(D) go

5. ------- is no better season than winter to begin training at Silver's Fitness Center.
(A) When
(B) It
(C) There
(D) As it

6. The recent worldwide Increase in oil prices has led to a ------- demand for electric vehicles.
(A) greater
(B) greatest
(C) greatly
(D) greatness

7. Maria Vásquez has a wide range of experience, ------- worked in technical, production, and marketing positions.
(A) having
(B) has
(C) having had
(D) had

8. Tickets will not be redeemable for cash or credit at any time, ------- they will be replaced if lost or stolen.
(A) but
(B) though
(C) only
(D) nor

Spoiler for ANSWER

1 = A
2 = B
3 = C
4 = C
5 = C
6 = A
7 = A
8 = D

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